As February comes to a close, we want to acknowledge Black History Month by sharing our appreciation for the achievements of the Black community in the USA (and beyond), and recognising an ongoing history of discrimination.
We’d like to do this by:
Highlights, inspiring figures, and progress from 2021
From our team
Recognition and appreciation -To me, Black History Month means recognizing that Black Americans have greatly impacted our nation and it's about special appreciation of the individuals and movements that were often down played or overlooked in school.
Holding ourselves accountable for avoiding ignorance - I understand this month as an annual reminder of something everyone should do daily: educate ourselves, our peers and actively advocate for Black persons rights, dignity and safety.
Reflecting - It means an opportunity to evaluate my privilege as a white person. An extra opportunity to reflect on ways to be more of an ally throughout the year.
Taking action - It's a matter of taking the time to recognize the sacrifices, contributions, and struggles that Black Americans have unfairly endured, and finding ways to make it right in the present and future.
Black History Month is a time to focus on and celebrate current black businesses and philanthropy, and past Black History.
Links and resources