Audience: B2C
Objective: A major home insurance organization wanted to talk to people that had suffered recent weather related roof damage, in order to find out if their offering would be beneficial to the homeowner’s situation.
Challenge: Finding candidates to participate in our study while their main focus was on the larger problem at hand...fixing a damaged roof!
10K Humans Active Recruitment Approach: 10K Humans found that the initial targeting of homeowners in areas with recent storms was proving to be unsuccessful. After all, when a homeowner is googling things like “Roof Repair” they often didn’t want to take the time for market research as getting the roof fixed was the priority. 10K Humans quickly pivoted toward conducting outreach to contractors that specialize in roof repair to get the ball rolling. By explaining exactly what we were doing and leveraging referrals from roof repair contractors we were able to quickly get this project across the finish line!