Audience: B2C
Objective: Long-standing companies have succeeded through time by adapting to ever-changing client needs generation after generation. How to ensure the representativeness of tomorrow’s customers by recruiting today’s teenagers?
Challenge: We needed to recruit participants aged between 13 and 17 years old. Teenagers seem to be always online, yet they are nowhere to be found on traditional social platforms. Equally hard is to keep them engaged. How to coordinate all steps of your study with a minor’s sample?
10K Humans Active Recruitment Approach: We targeted both teenagers, and parents. First, by tailoring advertising with trending media formats such as TikTok/Reels videos and colloquial language strategically placed outside of traditional social media, we were able to get the attention of teenagers. Earning money sparks their interest, but inviting friends to join the same studies is particularly effective: doing something together keeps them encouraged and engaged throughout the project and reflects in a great show rate. A secondary but equally important approach is through teen’s relatives. When asking parents to invite their teenagers to join a market research study, it’s important to show how it can be beneficial for both parties: parents can save spending money by letting their kids earn it in a fun and safe opportunity. Clear messaging and consistent relationship-building communication with parents and teens throughout recruitment is key to gaining their trust.