Our solution to the persistent passive database model problems is Active Recruitment. At 10k Humans, we seek out potential participants online, through social outreach, and approach them in the environment that validates the behaviors we seek.
We skillfully delve into people's lives and psyches to validate the exact behaviors we are looking for. Combined with our flexible and customizable solutions, we are able to utilize hybrid recruitment methodologies tailoring our processes to your exact needs.
- Leveraging our pre-vetted community, where everyone is a known commodity
- Targeting niche audiences through strategic ads and organic engagement
- Utilizing trusted relationships with our global networkers, interceptors, and subject matter experts to engage and recruit at strategic locations
Our compulsive quality assurance doesn’t stop there. Every recruited participant is carefully vetted through:
- Written re-screeners
- Phone re-screens
- Verbal confirmations
- Video articulations
- Tech checks
10k Humans' focus is always on quality and experience for everyone involved from start to finish.