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Who We Work With

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We prioritize experience, quality, and flexibility in our collaboration with corporate researchers, designing custom research projects that weave human experiences into compelling narratives supported by authentic data.

Customized Recruitment Solutions

Active Recruitment: targeted outreach using pre-vetted communities and a global system of networkers to find participants meeting specific criteria

Custom Panels: bespoke panels for ongoing research, aligned with target demographics for reliable longitudinal studies

Quality Assurance: rigorous screening and continuous monitoring to ensure participant authenticity and engagement

Flexible Approach: scalable solutions for various sample sizes and demographics, based on your project needs

Our Services

Qualitative Research: ethnographic studies, in-depth interviews, and focus groups to uncover the context and motivations behind consumer behavior
Quantitative Research: comprehensive surveys, data analytics, and statistical analyses to provide actionable data, quantifying preferences, behaviors, and trends

Storytelling Strategy: expertly crafted reports, presentations, and visualizations that transform insights into compelling stories and drive action

Blending Science and Story: combining qualitative insights with quantitative data to create comprehensive narratives for making strategic decisions
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